PAYG & Token Fed EV Chargers

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Token fed ev chargers

From a business point of view, having EV chargers at work has become increasingly important due to the shift from petrol cars to electric vehicles in the UK. For businesses with an EV fleet, it is a necessary operating factor.

Workplace EV charging can be a convenient way for employees to charge their EVs during the day while they’re working so that they’re less reliant on public charging stations and can charge their cars when they want to.

EV charging at work brings a lot of benefits to businesses. It shows that the business is socially responsible and helps attract and retain talent due to the added convenience on the job.

With the rise in the popularity of EVs, it only makes sense for workplaces to install EV chargers. However, setting up the EV charging infrastructure may seem a little daunting to some.

It isn’t just about choosing the right EV chargers and having them installed. A lot of planning goes into the process and a charging plan and policy need to be set up.

Some businesses offer EV charging for their employees free of charge, some have a pre-pay system, while some have a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system.

While all of this may sound confusing, it’s actually very easy to understand if you have your basics cleared up, which is what we’re here for.

Read on to find out more about commercial EV chargers, how to set up a charging plan, and PAYG and token-fed EV chargers:


To implement EV charging at work, there are a few things that need to be done to ensure a smooth and convenient charging infrastructure. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Start with assessing the current demand for EV charging at the workplace. Survey how many of your employees have an EV, where they charge their cars, and how many are planning to buy one in the near future.
  2. Identify any potential challenges and get everyone on board, including the EV charger installer and manufacturer, the utility provider, and all other stakeholders in the business for a smoother planning process.
  3. Familiarise yourself with the associated costs and grants available for EV charger installation. Make sure to account for all the expenses as well as the maintenance costs.
  4. Choose an OZEV-approved EV charger that meets your requirements. A few factors to look for include compatibility, user-friendliness, safety, reliability, brand, and budget.
  5. Hire an OZEV-approved EV charger installer to comply with regulations and to be eligible for the Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS).
  6. Set up a workplace EV charging policy so that everyone knows how to use the chargers and there is a clear payment structure for charging.


When it comes to deciding on the payment model for the EV chargers, the main choice is between charging a fee for the service or making it free.

With the paid option, you can recover the costs for present and future equipment, installation, and maintenance, and possibly even make some profits along the way. With the free option, you can give your employees the gift of free charging and more reason to stay with your firm.

At times, charging a nominal fee as compared to offering the free service can be more beneficial since it forces the users to be more responsible in the way that they use the EV chargers.

If they are completely free, they may plug in their EVs unnecessarily or for much longer than needed, driving up your business’s electricity costs. Therefore, demanding even a small fee can help ensure that the chargers are used properly and only when they need to be used.

The best payment model will depend on several factors such as the type, culture, size, and nature of your business, among other factors.

If you decide to go for a paid model, one option is to charge the users an hourly or daily flat rate, regardless of the amount of energy used. The other option is to charge the users based on their energy usage to make sure everyone pays for what they use.

A third option is to offer the users free charging for a set period of time and then a fee after the time has passed to discourage them from overcharging and not letting others use the charger.


If you’re planning on getting an EV, you must be curious about how you pay for commercial EV charging. It’s a bit different than how you would pay for fuel at a petrol station and may require a bit of getting used to. However, once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty straightforward and easy.

There are a few simple ways you can pay for EV charging. They include:

Contactless debit or credit card payment

Most public charging networks allow EV owners to make payments via their debit or credit cards. It is simple, quick, and super easy. However, since it requires specialised equipment to be installed, which can be pricey, this form of payment is only available for rapid and ultra-rapid chargers.

Pay through a network app

Every EV charger brand has a network app that allows users to control, manage, and keep a check on how much energy they are using. Not only can you keep track of your energy use but also pay using the network app using its pay-as-you-go access.

RFID card payment

Some charging networks also allow their users to register their RFID cards so that they can make the payment whenever they charge their cars. To use the card, you have to pre-register it and manage the online account attached to it. Then you simply have to tap it on the card reader and pay.


There are several options for paying at an EV charging point, one of which is the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) method. It is a simple method where you simply pay for the power used to charge your EV.

It allows the EV owners to simply pull up at the EV charge point and pay for a charge by using their smartphone, tablet, or in-car connectivity.

The PAYG service is designed to provide accessibility and ease of use to both the user and the operator and can be fitted onto an existing EV charger as well.

It lets the users know when the charge is complete by sending them a notification on their phone so that they can unplug their vehicle and give others a chance.

Token-fed EV chargers refer to the receiving, encrypting, and storing of payment information in exchange for a token that can be used at an EV charge point to authorise one-time or recurring payments.

Tokenisation ideally requires the user to register their payment credentials beforehand in the merchant’s network.


As mentioned earlier, the cost of charging an EV at a commercial property can vary between organisations, with some offering free charging while others setting a paid tariff.

The decision could be based on several factors such as the nature of the business, the average commercial electricity rate, and what would be more feasible in said situation.


Whether you are installing a single EV charger or a multi-site network of chargers, there are a few things to take into account when choosing the best EV charge point, one of which is the charging speed of the charge point. Not only will it determine how long it will take to charge your car but will also affect the total cost of charging it.

Slow chargers

Mostly rated at up to 3 to 6kW, with the most common ones rated at 3.6kW, slow chargers, as the name suggests, require the longest amount of time to charge an EV and are commonly chosen for home charging stations.

Generally speaking, they take around 6 to 12 hours to fully charge an EV, which is ideal for overnight charging at home.

For the workplace, this may not be ideal based on the normal work timings and also because there won’t be any time for more than one EV to charge at each charging point.

For commercial properties with an EV fleet, it may be a good option to consider if you plan on charging them overnight.

Fast chargers

Fast chargers are at least twice as fast as slow chargers and are typically rated at either 7kW or 22kW.

Although the exact charging times are dependent on the make and model of the EV, you can expect one to be fully charged within 3 to 5 hours using a fast charger.

An ideal choice for most business owners, fast chargers enable EV owners to fully charge their cars within a few hours of being on the premises and can work as an incentive to attract and retain employees and customers.

Rapid chargers

Inarguably the fastest and most efficient way to charge an EV, AC rapid chargers are rated at 43 kW and DC ones are rated at 50 kW.

They are most commonly found at motorway services and in locations close to the main route where people usually need a quick recharge to be back on their way.

Depending on the EV model, rapid chargers can charge a battery to 80% capacity in just 20 minutes. Also, all rapid charger units have tethered cables and can only be used on EVs that are capable of rapid charging.


Workplace EV charging stations can literally put you on the map by appealing to the eco-conscious and attracting potential employees, customers, and money!

You can not only help your business but also support the uptake of EVs and can be an active part of the UK’s plan for a greener and cleaner future.

Here are all the reasons you must install EV charging points in the workplace:

Attract and increase customers

With the mass shift from petrol-fuelled cars to electric vehicles, the availability of EV chargers is a lucrative idea for customers.

In addition to helping the country achieve its goals for a cleaner environment, it will also help your business improve its footfall with customers who are also EV owners.

Depending on the type of EV charger you have, the EV drivers may spend at least 20 to 40 minutes on your premises and are likely to explore your business’s offerings, which is especially beneficial for supermarkets and shopping centres.

Employee retention

Similar to attracting and retaining customers, installing EV chargers at work can be lucrative for employees as well. In addition to other benefits such as paid leaves and travel allowance, the presence of EV chargers can be a great way to attract new talent and make sure they stay.

Workplace EV charging can be super convenient for employees, especially those who do not have EV chargers at home, as they can easily charge their EVs during the day while they’re busy working.

This saves them a lot of time and effort looking for public charging stations and is a factor that most employees, particularly EV owners, look for when applying for a job.

Corporate branding

The main reason for phasing out petrol vehicles and bringing in EVs is to minimise carbon emissions and work towards a cleaner and greener environment.

Workplace electric car charging points contribute to a business’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and help enhance the company’s image as being socially and environmentally responsible.

Many businesses across the UK have active sustainability programs which include a reduction in their carbon emissions, and workplace charging fits directly in achieving their targets.

Cost savings

Businesses that own company cars can convert their fleet to EVs if they have their own charging points installed. By doing so, they can enjoy great cost savings since the running and maintenance costs for EVs are relatively low compared to traditional cars.

Electricity is much cheaper than petrol and diesel and since electric cars don’t run on oil, they don’t require oil changes.


At Calder Electrical, we can install EV chargers for domestic and commercial premises in line with the current regulations and can offer a government incentive to reduce installation costs.

We are authorised and registered OZEV installers and our charge points come with a 3-year warranty.

If you own an EV or are planning to buy one, you will want to maximise recharge times and efficiency by installing an OZEV-approved charger in your home. Our team can visit you and survey your house to help determine your needs and requirements.

There are various chargers currently on the market and it can be a little confusing to choose the best one for your home. We will take out the hassle and provide you with the most suitable and affordable option, ranging from the standard systems to the smart ones that are becoming increasingly popular.

Similarly, if you have a business that is looking to help employees or customers/clients charge their EVs at the workplace, you may contact us right away.

We offer all kinds of different options to choose from such as wall-mounted to freestanding pedestal units, and from fast charging to rapid charging units.

Depending on the size and demand of the premises, our experts will help assess the best solution for your business’s needs.

We can also offer a PAYG (Pay as you go) charging system and token-fed chargers with features focused on both the user and operator. This is something a lot of businesses are looking at currently as the market for EVs and chargers increases year after year.

Contact us here or call us on 0800 612 3001 for a quick consultation with our leading industry experts and more information on PAYG and token-fed EV chargers.

Photo by myenergi on Unsplash